Girls Tee Ball (NEW in 2019!!) is our introductory division to the league (formation of teams solely will depend on available registration nmbers year to year). We offer this division to 4 and 5 year olds per the Little League Age Division Chart. Batters use a Tee (used all year), and the players advance base to base on offense. Defensively players are rotated through each game over the entire field. This level is designed as an introduction to Baseball & Softball and works to cover the very basic fundamentals of the game. A "Softie" ball is used for the entire year as well.
With our newly formed "Girls Tee Ball" our hope is that we can form teams of girls in the same division as our regular Tee Ball that is comprised of boys and co-ed teams. We have found through fellow District 2 leagues that Softball programs start out stronger at age 6, with girls having the ability to be on an all girls team if preferred.